Robin’s Notebook

Probably a year ago, our youngest daughter asked if she could walk to school by herself. At face value this doesn’t seem to be such a big deal. However, for us as parents, our concern was that she would have to cross two major streets in order to get to school. The first is South West Marine Drive and the other is Granville. After much persuasion and presenting argument after argument about why it is a good idea for her to do this, we eventually caved and allowed her to make this epic journey, albeit reluctantly.

Both Liz and I sent her off with hugs, kisses and with all the usual instructions of walking safely, looking both ways before crossing, waiting for the light to be green, sticking to the agreed upon route etc, etc. What Liz didn’t realise was that I had a cunning plan in mind. After three minutes, I put the dog on the leash and went out the door. I made every attempt to make sure that there was sufficient distance between her and I so as to not arouse suspicion and made way down the Arbutus Green Way in pursuit. The trouble was, that I also underestimated my daughter. Every now and again, she would look back - just to see if one of us were following her! So sure enough, my cover was blown and I got to hear all about it later when we picked her up after school. This week is “bike to school week.” As a result, our daughter has upped the stakes and requested that she be allowed to roller blade to school. This request conveniently timed for when both Liz and I were at Clergy Conference. Pray for us!

Pentecost Sunday

Time to get your flames on! This Sunday, June 5, is Pentecost Sunday. As this Sunday is the Birthday of the Church and when the Holy Spirit rested upon the disciples it would be great if we could all try and wear something red on Sunday. I think it would be a great symbol of the Holy Spirit resting upon us at All Saints to see a sea of red in the congregation.

Live Stream Worship

As we have sent Cam off with our blessings and prayers, we do not currently have a Live Stream Technician. We invite all who are able to join us in-person at 8:30 or 10am for Sunday worship as we continue to pivot and adjust our online ministry and presence.

Lost in the 50’s

Save the date! Sunday June 19 we have lost in the 50s which proves to be an afternoon of singing, comedy and fun for all ages. See the poster outside the Parish Office or your bulletin for more information.

Summer Worship!

It is hard to believe, but summer is nearly upon us and with that, comes a change to worship schedule. As has been done before we will be gathering for one service for the Sundays in July and August. Beginning Sunday July 3 and ending Sunday August 28 Sunday worship will be at 9:30am.


The S Word # 13


Bishop John Stephens - A Message for Pentecost