A New Beginning

Here we are at the end of 2022. It’s been quite the ride hasn’t it? We have welcomed some new friends to All Saints, we have bid sad farewells to others. Too many, actually. 2022 has been a wringer and if you’re reading this, you have almost made it through, but I’m sure, like me, you’re feeling a little battered and bruised. It’s time for refreshment and renewal. How perfect then that 1 January is on a Sunday AND we a baptism to celebrate. Nice timing eh?

On Sunday 1 January we welcome the Reverend Georgina Harris who will preach and preside at our 8.30 am and 10 am services. As mentioned previously, the 10 am service will include a baptism so prepare to put your head on one side and say “awwww” with appropriate wistfulness.

On Wednesday at 10 we meet for the midweek Eucharist and Bible Study. We would love to see you there.

Next Sunday - 8 January - Bishop John will be visiting us, so wear your best Sunday best (as long as it’s not purple). Hmm .. I may have to wear a wig that day …

On Sunday 22 January we say yet another farewell - this time to Robin. After the 10 am service there will be a chance to wish him well and send him on his merry way. I hope you can make it as it’s his last Sunday with us and your last chance to say thank you and offer encouragement for his exciting next step in ministry.

Actually, now I’ve written it down, it looks like January is going to be pretty mercurial too… I think I better increase my dose of vitamins ..


Voices of Hope - PWRDF


End of Year Donations