April at All Saints

So here we are - April - and it’s officially springtime. Life is beginning to feel more hopeful than it has in a while isn’t it? The daffodils have woken up and the birds are getting busy preparing their nests (except pigeons - they don’t even try - see below). It’s all so comforting to see the familiar resurgence of nature and we are so very fortunate to live in peace and surrounded by such beauty. Something I have noticed about the past two years is how insular many of us have become. Shut away at home has made our world seem small and it’s terribly easy to slip into the mindset of “I’m alright Jack” and close ourselves off from the distress and horrors of the wider world. For Lent this year I have been making myself read the news and keep myself informed on world news. It’s been pretty horrible actually - I would much rather live in my safe little bubble - but I have noticed a great increase in my desire to pray. I’ve let my relationship with God suffer over the last year - I’ve been so comfortable in my own little world that I have lost the need to spend time in his presence and it’s no good. Luckily it’s almost Easter - what better time could there be to refresh and reaffirm my faith? And this Easter is going to be a very special time as our worship slowly returns to it’s pre-Covid state and we all return to those activities we have missed so much.

See what I mean? They don’t even try!

(insert French accent here) “nil points”

On Sunday 3 April following our 10 am Eucharist we will be meeting to discuss returning to the common cup. I hope you can be a part of that conversation. Please plan on staying for a few minutes to participate.

Next Tuesday 5 April the Men’s Fellowship are going to meet for dinner at Niagara Restaurant at 6 pm. If you would like to join them please add your name to the sign up sheet in the foyer at All Saints or call the church office for more info. The return of the Men’s Fellowship dinner group is another little step towards “normality”. Thank you Cliff C for organizing everything.

On Wednesday 6 April at 7 pm Parish Council will be meeting in the Narthex and on Saturday 9 April there will be Parish Council Retreat Day. Don’t worry - they’re not retreating very far …. only to the parish hall in fact.

Next Sunday 10 April is Palm Sunday and BOOM we’re into Holy Week.

Robin will be taking some much needed vacation for the week after Easter, returning refreshed and invigorated after 24 April.

Flower will be off for the week of 25 April, returning rested, but not at all refreshed or invigorated on 2 May.

We hope to see many of you return to in-person worship over the next couple of weeks. It’s high time we were all together again.


The Fifth Sunday in Lent - 3 April


The Fourth Sunday in Lent - 27 March