July at All Saints

Before we get to July - let me just pass on a note of thanks from the Gard family. They appreciate all your help and love over the past few weeks. Val is very grateful for the support of her church family. Victor had a grand send off - clearly he was a popular fellow.

And so here we are - about to enter July 2023. The weather is perfect, the breeze is sweet smelling, the kids are making happy noises and the bees are buzzing in a most comforting fashion. I am sitting in the church office listening to birds chattering to each other. They seem to have a lot say to each other.

On Sunday at 9.30 am we meet for our Sunday Eucharist.

Monday is a stat holiday so the office will closed until 9 am Tuesday.

On Wednesday we meet at 10 am for our midweek Eucharist and Bible Study. The group continues to grow and develop. It’s wonderful to see.

Don’t forget - on Saturday 8 July from 4 pm, Mitch, Cliff and the gents will be hosting our annual BBQ. If you would like to attend and haven’t signed up yet please contact the office asap. Please plan to bring a side, dessert or drinks to share. Steaks will be provided. The suggested donation is $10 but of course that’s entirely up to you.

Later on this month is our Community Meal - Tuesday 18 July 2023 from 6-7pm.


Don’t Forget…


Sad News