Robin’s Notebook

I dared to do anything that was a good thing. I dared to do things as distant from what seemed to be in my future. When I was asked to do something good, I often say yes, I’ll try, yes, I’ll do my best. And part of that is believing, if God loves me, if God made everything from leaves to seals and oak trees, then what is it I can’t do?” ~ Maya Angelou

A huge thank you to everyone who turned up and participated in our Annual Vestry Meeting. As I reflect on this quote by Maya Angelou, I am reminded that whenever we “dare to do a good thing” God is at work in us. As we, the Holy People of God, continue to work in and through us in Ladner we do so realizing that we are a part of a changing society and a changing church. Some of our operating assumptions, philosophy and ways of doing things also need to change in order to respond to the needs of the world today. This does not mean that what we did before was wrong. It simply means that we too need to adapt and pivot in how we do our good things. As Maya Angelou suggests, in all this change, God is found.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is March 2 this year. As mentioned previously there will be two services offered that day. Both are opportunities to receive the imposition of ashes.

10 am Eucharist in the Chapel

7pm Prayer Service via Zoom

For those wishing to join us on Zoom, ashes are available at the church for you to pick up prior to Ash Wednesday. Each packet contains enough ashes for one household. The Zoom link will be emailed by the morning of Ash Wednesday.

Messy Church & Blaze

Saturday February 26 from 4-5pm is Messy Church & Blaze in a temporary location. As per January this will be a drive thru event where families can drive up collect a meal and craft and then carry on. Due to the construction the drive thru will be at City of Delta: 4734 51st, Delta, BC V4K 3R8. We look forward to seeing you then.


Sunday 27 February 2022 Transfiguration Sunday


Midweek Meditation