Robin’s Notebook

Pandemic Protocols

The times are a changing - again! With the recent updates from Bonnie Henry and the Diocese, we once again find ourselves pivoting to less restrictions and a new phase of the pandemic. Change is hard. It has taken all of us a long time to adjust to a restricted way of living and it will be hard for us to change again to less restrictions. I rejoice that we are able to enter into a new phase of the pandemic that allows for greater flexibility and choice. I am grateful for our health care workers and all who have worked tirelessly and faithfully to care for the sick and the dying. This has been a long haul and while we can enjoy greater freedom and choice, we are reminded everyday that the pandemic is not over and is here to stay.

Bishop John has written to us to describe in more detail what this new phase means for us as a parish and diocese. His letter can be found here.

For our pattern of worship and parish life, please see my pastoral letter here.

Common Cup

As mentioned in my pastoral letter, we will be having a parish conversation about our theology and practice of Communion on Sunday April 3, 2022. Depending on how that conversation goes, my plan is to re-introduce Communion in both kinds effective Maundy Thursday, April 14. As we re-introduce the Common Cup there will be some adjustments and new practices that we will need to follow. I therefore strongly recommend that we all make the effort to come to to our parish conversation on April 14.

In preparation for the Common Cup, I will be inviting our Lay Administrators for a refresher training session on Sunday April 10 following the 10am service.

Messy Church

Messy Church will once again be a Drive Thru event. Swing by the church on Saturday March 26, 4-5pm to pick up your dinner and craft. We look forward to seeing you then.

Parish Council

The parish council retreat day is set for Saturday April 3, 2022 from 10am to 2pm.

Sabbath Series

I am very pleased to offer a Spring program called Delight in Sabbath. This promises to be a great opportunity to reflect on some of the theological underpinnings of Sabbath and to immerse ourselves in some practical practices of Sabbath. The series is offered in three parts: April 30, May 7 and May 14. Registration is now open. Please contact the parish office and see the flyer for registration and more details.

Ukrainian Dinner Fundraiser

In case you missed the article in the Delta Optimist, here it is for your convenience. Once again, a special thank you to Cliff and the whole team who managed to produce an evening that was engaging and fun. After expenses, we managed to raise a total of $3000 which will be distributed via the PWRDF.


“Is there an easier way of doing stewardship? Is there a method that would be less demanding on those who assist in the process? Stewardship is never easy, and it is always demanding. To suggest otherwise would be misleading.

Could there be a more successful way of doing stewardship? While every other method had some success, none seemed to have much lasting power, and for some it must be said that they were not really stewardship at all.

Do we have to conclude that fund-raising is wrong, or that any mention of money is bad? Not at all! There will always be times when we need to raise funds for projects, crises and needs. The people of God are meant to be generous. Of course we will talk about money, but with a difference.

Stewardship is something different. It has nothing to do with a project or a crisis. It has nothing to do with budgets or deficits. It has to do with my relationship with God. Even if my church has a bank balance of $1,000,000 I would still have precisely the same need to give.

On the altar at Eucharist in the bread and wine God announces.
This is how much I love you.
On the altar at Eucharist in the offertory plate I announce,
This is how much I love you!

What follows next week are some reflections on this whole matter of stewardship, as we explore some of the implication of The “S” Word.”


A New Phase in Worship


The Third Sunday in Lent - 20 March