Robin’s Notebook

While I never claim to be a gardener, when we bought our first (and only) home in Robson I took an interest in square foot gardening. In part, as we were home owners, we could scalp and form the garden spaces to what we wanted instead of adhering to the whims and wishes of a landlord.

Since moving to our current location, a Coop (or estate as I sometimes like to call it depending on the mood) in Vancouver, my gardening interest has continued. When we first moved in, we were given permission to use the front garden (South facing) for our own purposes. We could change and add what was already planted to our liking. The only requirements being to maintain some curb appeal for other Coop members and neighbours. Over the past two years I took great delight in removing the thick vegetation and rhododendrons (which was very cathartic in its own way) that dominated the plot and began to plant a vegetable and herb garden amongst a rose bush and other plants. In the picture below I am proud to show how our garlic is really taking off!

First plot, with herbs and garlic!

This year, I have been able to expand the estate to include the plot on the other side of the concrete stairs. This plot looked very much like the first with its overgrown shrubbery. I am looking forward to seeing how this plot can also transform into something new, something different. For both plots, the plan is to include better pathways and stepping stones so as to access what is being grown better, and also, to enhance the curb appeal for friend and neighbour.

The newly acquired plot this year.

As I reflect on my garden, I cannot help but also see in the process of removing old vegetation and planting the new, a metaphor for the Easter Gospel. Our Easter Gospel and the season of Easter points us to notice and pay attention to the new that is in our midst. Sometimes in order for the new to take root, we need to create the space needed for this new life and opportunity. As an Easter People, people called to live into and proclaim this Easter Gospel, I wonder how we are being called to make space for the new.

Collection & Offertory

How many Anglicans does it take to change a light bulb? Five in total. Two to form a task force to determine if the light bulb needs replacing. One to change the light bulb, one to supervise the work and one to complain about how much they liked the old light bulb better.

Starting this Sunday we are going to do something a little different with the collection. The wardens and I are inviting people to place their donations and envelopes on the bronze collection plates located at the back of the church as you arrive for the service. During the Offertory Hymn the collection plate will be processed up to the altar by the Crucifer (when present) and one of the Ushers (usually Mitch G) in time for the Prayer Over the Gifts. The option to donate via Pre Authorized Donations (PAD) or online also remains a vital and meaningful way to contribute financially to the ministry of the church. The Collection Plate represents the contribution of all our gifts offered online or in-person.

The primary reason for this slight change is to place a greater emphasis on the gifts that we bring before God. All of us are called to contribute and participate in the ministry of the Church to the best of our ability, and all gifts are worthy of our thanks and are an acceptable offering to God. For this reasoning, it is fitting to provide some dignity and grace to the gifts offered to God for God’s Mission.

Lost in the 50’s

Coming off the success of our last fundraiser, we are very pleased to welcome The Versatiles to All Saints who are very excited to help raise funds for our music ministry. Lost in the 50’s promises to be a fantastic performance with lots of fun and laughter for people of all ages. The performance is Sunday June 18 at 2:30pm. Bring yourself and a friend for an afternoon that is sure to entertain and delight all of us.

Community Meal

Our next Community Meal is in-person on May 24, 6-7pm. This meal is open to anyone in the parish and wider community to attend. For more information and if you would like to be more involved with this ministry, please free to contact the parish office.

Food Safe

Congratulations to Liz M, Gillian G and Jennifer S for completing and updating their food safe requirements. Food Safe is a necessary requirement for us to have in order for the parish to continue with our food ministry in the community.


The S Word # 10


Sunday 15 May 2022