The Week Ahead at All Saints
What do you think - a little too much?
This week we are ALL about the Poinsettia Bazaar. Liz MacD and friends have been incredibly busy preparing for the bazaar and it is coming up very fast - like, next week FAST. So I hope you can all help in making the hall look as though Christmas exploded in there!
Here’s a message from Liz with some more info -
As the date of the Bazaar approaches, there will be a brief meeting of all those wishing to help on Sunday 13th after the 10am service to finalize some of the details, and to wrap the remaining Santa’s Sack gifts.
We have posters in the office to distribute in the community if you can help with this.
Please bring any small unwrapped gifts, books and/or bottle donations to the church as soon as possible.
Please note the itinerary for next week, and feel free to help as you are able.
Wednesday 16th. 12 - 3pm. Decorating the Hall, signage, bottle draw labels, small Christmas tree decorations, etc
Thursday 17th 9:30 - 11am. Hall set up. Tables, chairs, equipment etc.
Friday 18th 10am Plant collection and delivery.
Set up displays, sale items, auction table.
Make sandwiches in kitchen. ( bread and fillings provided )
All items for refreshments, I.e. cookies etc, and bake table donations to be delivered by noon at the latest please
This is our major fundraiser for All Saints, so let’s make it a fun event for everyone.
Your help and participation is much appreciated.
Thank you, Liz