The Week Ahead at All Saints

First things first - we are ENORMOUSLY grateful to all the volunteers at our Bazaar. Thank you all so much for everything you did. The day went very well with an extremely gratifying $4000 raised. Of course the Bazaar is a great outreach to the community. There was a steady stream of people coming in and lots of them took the opportunity to take a little look around and spend a few quiet minutes in the church itself. Nice eh?

Speaking of ‘taking a few quiet minutes’, Robin will be leading an Advent Quiet Day on Wednesday 30 November from 10am to 2pm. A light lunch is provided.

This Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent. We have our usual quiet communion service at 8.30am followed at 10am by Advent Lessons and Carols. It’s time to crack open our internal “warm memories box” and break out the carols. Yay! Christmas carols (or Advent carols if you want to be picky) are some of the best things about this time of year. Bring your best singing voice.

We will gather for Maren’s memorial service on Saturday 3 December at 11 am. I hope a lot of you can be there to support the family and show them how much we valued her.


PWRDF Advent Project


An Important Message from Robin