A Thanksgiving Message from Robin

Dear Friends,

In my first year of nursing school in Kelowna I remember distinctly walking to college. There was a fresh crisp in the air and the trees had begun to lose their leaves forming a lovely orange, yellow with a hint of red blanket on the field. As I walked across the field, I smiled to myself as I kicked up the leaves as I walked and listened to the rustling of the leaves as they were kicked up about knee high before falling back down to the ground. It is one of my favourite memories of Fall and the changes in seasons. It is that time of year where the weather is much cooler, but the harsh cold of winter has not quite set in yet. It is the smell and sense of change in the air as the earth continues its journey around the sun. There is a predictability in the changes in seasons and yearly cycles that I find comforting. Perhaps it is the sense that I and we form a small part of this cycle of change and an increased awareness of the Creator of the Heavens and Earth at work as we continue with our daily work.

 Change is in the air again, not only with the changing of seasons, but in our life as a Church as well. While we find ourselves in a world with many uncertainties, anxieties and fears, there is still much to be thankful for. In particular, as I reflect on All Saints Ladner and how far we have come over the past few years, I am deeply grateful and thankful for these:

  •  Back to Church Sunday, celebrated on Sunday September 18 saw new faces and families among us. All Saints has stepped up to welcome and forge relationship and connection with many of our new friends.

  •  Ladner Sings Children’s Choir was launched on September 18, as All Saints stepped up and embraced this new ministry in the parish’s life.

  • As people are away, sick, or otherwise unavailable, the people of All Saints have stepped up to fill in the gaps with gladness in their hearts and an enthusiasm for the life and ministry we offer. We are a people who step up and rise to the occasion and answer the call when needed. My own fears and concerns about being away while I was recovering from COVID subsided when I could see the resilience and sense of community that the People of All Saints bring to ensure that the “party still goes on” to borrow a phrase.

 As we continue to live into the Fall of 2022 and the promise and opportunities that await us in the months and years ahead, I am grateful and humbled to be a part of a community that will always be ready with joy and gladness to respond to the ministry and changing needs of our world.

May you, your family and those you care for, have a very good and fruitful Thanksgiving!


The Reverend Robin Ruder Celiz


Some Sad News

