Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you are able to make it to All Saints on Sunday at 8.30 am or 10 am when we come together in gratitude for all we have been given. And we certainly have a lot to be thankful for. We live in a stunningly beautiful area with our Creator’s handiwork presented in such grandeur all around us. A dull drive to the mall is currently transformed into an autumnal wonderland with fields of pumpkins, a buffet of sunflowers for the clouds of starlings sweeping across the sky, Mount Baker standing majestic in the glow of the afternoon sun. It’s breathtaking.
Of course, if we look a little deeper, it’s easy to find people experiencing hardships. Our local Food Bank is busier than ever which is why we thought we would try and support them this year. As you know, we would usually be asking for donations of fruit and vegetables to decorate the altar for Thanksgiving which would then be delivered to the food bank. However, this isn’t always practical. Sometimes the produce is past it’s best or simply isn’t needed. So this year we are asking you to donate grocery store gift cards instead. These will be given to the food bank who can use it to buy whatever they need most. If you would rather give cash or cheques that’s great too, just make sure to mark your donation clearly so it goes to the right place. Thank you all very much for anything you can supply. Of course non-perishable, food items would be welcomed too.
A couple of dates for your diary - our Men’s Fellowship group meets on Tuesday 18th October at 6 pm. You can sign up on the Welcome board.
The Bazaar planning group will meet on Sunday 16 October at 11.30 am(ish). Please plan to attend if you can help in any way.
Reverend Robin is on the mend and recovering nicely from Covid so he will be back with us this Sunday and is looking forward to seeing you all. Another thing to be thankful for.
Haunted by silent leaves
Happy thanksgiving to you all and may all the leaves you step on make a satisfyingly loud crunch. There’s something soul destroying about doing the little dance as you adjust your steps in order to tread directly on a perfect looking leaf, only to discover it’s limp and damp and silent. It truly is the small things eh?