Robin’s Notebook

A New Interim Treasurer

It is with sadness and hope for the future that I inform you all officially that Marites (Tess) Manalo concluded her employment with All Saints as our Treasurer earlier in June. In the brief time that Tess served in this role she brought with her a tremendous amount of experience and insight that has greatly benefited the parish.

In the Interim, I am pleased to reintroduce and welcome back Jill Spencer as our Interim Treasurer until such time as a permanent person can be recruited. Jill is well known to the parish, parish council, and the financial operations of the parish as she has served as both our bookkeeper and Treasurer in the past.

Task Force on Homelessness

This week I had a Zoom meeting with the Diocesan Task Force on Homelessness. This task force was formed after our last Diocesan Synod in 2021 where a motion was passed asking Diocesan Council to form a task force to review and develop resources to assist parishes in meeting the current and emerging needs of homelessness and vulnerable populations in their area.

We, through our Community Meal and Messy Church program, currently support a broad vulnerable population in South Delta. From the conversation and interview I was greatly encouraged by the interest in our work from the task force and they were equally surprised and encouraged to learn more about All Saints and our ministry. I look forward, along with the task force, to learn of what new supports and resources that may be available to parishes such as ours as the task force concludes its work in 2023.

A New Supplemental Hymnbook

A new supplemental hymnbook, “Sing a New Creation,” is now available for use in the Anglican Church of Canada. Our copy has arrived, along with my clergy colleagues, we are enjoying thumbing through the new hymns and music. Many of the composers are Canadian with familiar tunes to new words as well as completely new and fresh music.

Jennifer Scott and I will soon be hosting a “Sing Along” event where we can all listen, sing and learn some of these fabulous hymns. More details to follow soon.

Cooks in the Kitchen

The Community Meal on the third Tuesday of the month, is the well established outreach ministry to our local community, and for the past year we have had the benefit of two professional chefs who have now started their own culinary businesses.
Now we are on our own, and our small but dedicated team is hoping that others might be interested in participating in this very worthwhile volunteer commitment.

Three of the team have the required Food Safe certification, but people are needed for
Setting Tables. (Tuesday mornings 1 Hr. )
Food Prep and cooking in the kitchen (Tuesday, 4 - 6pm)
Servers to our guests (Tuesday 5:30 – 7pm)
Clean up (6:30 – 7:30pm)
The bonus is that we also get to eat with our guests!

We have a variety of menu plans, but if you have any favourite simple recipes suitable for up to 50 people, please share your ideas.
With more help there can be more flexibility, so that not everyone will have to be available every month. Any time you can give would be much appreciated.

A kitchen can be a chaotic but happy place, and with your help we can continue to make the Community Meal a special opportunity to share a nutritious meal and fellowship with folk who appreciate our willingness to offer hospitality, good food and welcome companionship.

For more details, please contact Liz at 604-946-0739 or


A Very Fond Farewell


Coming Up at All Saints