All Change at All Saints

Change. It’s a scary thing. I prefer the word transition, but that word is becoming less reassuring by the minute since I started overusing it. But I had to overuse it! There were way too many ‘things-becoming-other-things‘ for me to handle. It’s always tempting to hit up the old 'caterpillar-butterfly thing to add some positivity BUT I have recently discovered what actually happens in the chrysalis and let me tell you - it’s not pretty. I was always under the impression that the caterpillar wrapped itself in a blanket and went to sleep (usually after eating through one apple, a lollipop, a hotdog etc etc) and simply awoke one day as a butterfly. No. This is not what happens. The situation is a lot more gloopy than I thought, and it even involves using the words ‘self-digestion’ and ‘soup’. To be fair I can see why this information is kept out of children’s books. What I’m getting at is this - change is unpleasant and usually involves us feeling less than comfortable.

This Sunday is the end of our time with Robin as our Rector and though it won’t be easy to say goodbye, I know we all wish him all the very best in his new parish. I’m sure he’ll lead St Helen’s in Surrey with the same diligence and care we have experienced and will be an asset to their community. Please plan to attend the 8.30 am or 10 am Eucharists and stay for a small celebration of our time together after the second service. Bring tissues and a stiff upper lip.

Speaking of goodbyes - Douglas and Denise H have now moved to Calgary to be closer to family. Please pray for them as they begin this new era together and get used to all things Calgarian.

I’m going to go home and indulge in a nostalgia-thon now. You know what I mean .. I’m going to lie around sighing and go on and to my kids about how “things used to be” and how “people are too **fill in the blank** nowadays”. The long dark evening will fly by!

Happy Friday.




A Tearful Goodbye