A Tearful Goodbye

As many of you know, Sue Paege died last week shortly after suffering a stroke. I understand Sue was living at home, doing well, and enjoying her (dearly held) independence up until the stroke. It’s perhaps slightly comforting that she did not suffer a long illness.

Sue was an amazing woman and admirable in many ways. For me the thing I remember most is her quiet but fiercely determined love for stranger and friend alike. She was 150% committed to everything she did and was always ready to give her time and energy to whoever needed it. I can honestly say I never heard her complain even when her life was over-full. The world is colder without her.

I’m sure you will join me in praying for her daughter and grand children as they mourn the loss of Sue and all that the good things she brought to life.

What with the loss of Pat and Frank, Maren and now Sue, it’s hard to be cheeful but it does keep crossing my mind that somewhere there is a huge pot of coffee, a homemade pie and some triple layered sandwiches being shared by our departed friends. 

I’ll keep you posted on any services asap.


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