August at All Saints

It’s a beautiful Friday morning, and the long weekend is coming up. Happy BC Day to all of you! There’s a lot going on in our beautiful province. We all know how incredibly blessed we are to live in such a stunning place. When I arrived at work today I had already seen eagles, mountains, swans, fishing boats setting out through the early morning mist, a family of raccoons (including some very little ones) disappearing into the foliage after their busy night of hunting, I was full of the joys of life and nature. As I entered the church the rich swell of Bach’s Toccata and Fugue filled the air. It certainly gave me pause for a breathless moment as I waiting for the tall, darkly robed and be-scythed figure to approach me - but it turned out it was just the lovely Rod Asher testing out our newly repaired organ. I should note, he was not wearing a dark robe nor did he have a scythe, just a dog called Cosmo who was handsome at me until I felt better. I think Cosmo must have had a sore throat - he was definitely a little husky.

At our 9.30 am service this Sunday we welcome Reverend Andrew Pike as he leads us in worship. He’s always very popular so I hope you can join us.

On Monday - BC Day - the church office will be closed.

On Wednesday we come together at 10 am for the midweek Eucharist and Bible Study. Thank you to the endlessly entertaining and knowledgeable Dudley Ritchie for leading the service while we await our new Rector.

Speaking of our new Rector - did you hear? The Reverend Liz Hamel will be our next Incumbent, starting mid-September. How amazingly wonderful is that? Liz is one of those rare people who are both business-like and deeply involved in caring for her charges and we’re very much looking forward to having her with us again.

Later this month - Tuesday 22 August at 6 pm we have our monthly free Community Meal.

One last note - I will be taking some time off from 21 August - 5 September so if there’s anything you need before then, you need to get in touch very soon!


What’s Going on at All Saints


What’s Happening at All Saints