What’s Happening at All Saints

It’s another beautiful day in lovely Ladner. The air is fresh and clear and the earth seems to have enjoyed the recent bit of rain. Me too. Sunny days are fine and all but they’re not very moody or dramatic. I get bored very easily so day after day of “it’s a bit too hot to actually do anything much” was getting very dull. But today is just perfect (in my opinion).

Just as summer has some dull, wet days, the service this Sunday 30 July at 9.30 am will be the last one with Reverend Sharon and we must say goodbye. It’s been such a blessing to have her with us for the past few months. She has led us through an unexpected transition period with grace and love and I know we will all miss her very much indeed. She’s got such a calming aura as well as a wonderfully loving affect. It’s sad to see her go. On the other side of the coin, I understand there will be an announcement about our next Incumbent on Sunday too, so Sharon will be leaving us with hope and some idea of what will happen next. Some words from my favourite hymn - “strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow” summarises our time with Sharon perfectly I think.

This is the seal of approval.

In other news, the amazing Cliff Chalmers has now been confirmed as our new Warden. How great is that? Cliff is in here most days doing a lot of hard work, usually unobserved and always underappreciated. He’s been an unofficial guardian for many years and it’s great to know a man with such a gift for stewardship is now ‘official’. He certainly gets my ‘seal of approval’.

We’ll see you on Sunday, please plan to stay for coffee and fellowship after the service. There will be lots to talk about.


August at All Saints


Coming Up at All Saints