Coming Up at All Saints

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. It’s going to be a beautiful weekend with lots of lovely warm sunshine. It will be pretty easy to look around and feel suffused with gratitude this weekend. As this is a long weekend, the church office will be closed on Monday.

On Wednesdays at 10 am we meet to celebrate the Eucharist, followed by some refreshments and our weekly Bible Study.

On Saturday 14th October All Saints is hosting a celebration for the life of Brian Strehler, starting at 12 noon. Brian’s obituary appeared in the Optimist this week, complete with a lovely photo. Click here to take a look. He was a very dear man and will be very much missed. Please keep his family in your prayers during the coming months as they adjust to the huge gap in their lives.

A message from Liz M:

As we prepare for two very important memorial services honouring and celebrating the lives of Brian Strehler on October 14th, and Rev. Dudley Ritchie on October 28th,
I am looking for some help for both or either of these events.
The Families will be finalizing arrangements for catering shortly, but if people are able to provide some refreshments of any kind, please let me know.
We will need help with setting up and taking down tables, setting out refreshments, tea, coffee etc. and of course clearing up afterwards.
It is also appreciated when people can be served coffee and tea, or refill cups.
Many hands make light work, but please do not feel obligated to commit to more than you can manage.
Please let myself or Flower know if you plan to be available on these dates, and what you might be able to do, or see the sign up sheet on the notice board.
Thank you,  Liz Macdonald

On Tuesday 17 October at 6pm the Men’s Fellowship Group meet in the hall to share a good meal and a few laughs. If you would like to join them you can sign up at the church or contact the office.

Our monthly free Community Meal is at 6pm on Tuesday 24 October. Please join us if you can. We would love to welcome you.

Another tough goodbye is necessary on Saturday 28 October at 2pm when we join the Ritchie family in remembering Dudley. Another obituary and another lovely photo can be found by clicking here. Our thoughts are with his family and all those who loved him - and that’s A LOT of people. Again, Dudley leaves an enormous gap in our church family and will be missed more than he would have believed.


News from All Saints


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