PWRDF Advent Project

As we enter into the season of Advent, Matthew’s Gospel (24 : 1-35) makes it abundantly clear that it is a time of preparation, expectancy, and anticipation - both for the second coming of Jesus, and for his incarnate birth we celebrate at Christmas.

This years PWRDF Garden Project carries a similar message of preparation and hope for a good harvest and food security. Learning new agricultural techniques enhances the health and income of those who struggle with impoverished land, drought, famine and diminished income in so many parts of the world.

“In Tanzania PWRDF and its partner, Church World Service, was able to provide 4,050 participants from 810 refugee families, the necessary training and resources to sustainably grow a variety of vegetable crops.” (Annual Report 2021-2022). This type of support enables people to share their new found knowledge, encourage cooperation in their villages, and create small business opportunities resulting in enriched land, food security, better health, and often an income from selling crops.

Jesus’ message to us through His teaching and example was to feed the hungry, provide water for those who thirst and generously help others, whatever their need.

We all know the joy of giving and receiving, the anticipation and rewards of sharing. I invite you to share your gift to this project knowing that we can make a huge difference to the well-being of so many.

LETS GROW A GARDEN ($350) OR THREE ! ($1050)

Donations can by made by cheque, via the website, or by credit/debit card at the church office.

Thank you, Liz. ( PWRDF Representative )


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