All Saints Altar Guild

Tha Altar Guild are the wonderful people who prepare the church for services and make it look it’s best. They buy and arrange flowers, clean all the brass items we use, clean and iron the altar cloths etc and create the Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving displays as well as assisting with weddings and funerals. It’s a quiet and peaceful ministry where you get to spend some time alone in the church making things beautiful.

Our Altar Guild has lost a couple of members lately and would appreciate some helping hands. If you are one of those people who like to be left alone to work away quietly - this one is for you. The time commitment is fairly minimal (around two hours, once a month). If you can help, please contact the church office asap.

This ministry will leave you forever ‘altar-ed’

(Note: bad jokes are not part of the job and frankly, they are not appreciated).


A Blue Christmas


PWRDF Advent Project