Coming Up at All Saints

The joy of unwrapping a surprise gift - I hope it’s a kitten!

Are you feeling festive yet? Is your inner jukebox playing Nat King Cole and Bing Crosby numbers as you go about your business? Are you eschewing the humbug for a mince pie? I hope so. I hope you are all filled with warm and fuzzy memories and wrapped in a blanket of quiet joy, all while wearing the coziest slippers of hope. Even mulled wine is delicious at Christmas, instead of smelling amazing and tasting … not.

I’ve been talking to some friends and family in England. The cost of energy is now reached crisis point. I wouldn’t wish being constantly cold on my worst enemy. Hearing their stories has renewed my gratitude for our thermostat. Every time I hear our heating click on I’m grateful. How wonderful to be warm - without any effort or sacrifice. One thing that did grab my attention was that churches are now opening up their parish halls as “A Warm Welcome Space”. Though it’s a terrible shame to have to leave your house and go somewhere just to be warm enough, the byproduct of all this will be a greater feeling of community and togetherness. It seems to be human nature that while life is good we keep to ourselves. It’s when troubles come that we feel our need for one another. Even if the reason to come together at a church is ostensibly not to fulfil a spiritual need, what could be more divine than people sharing in receiving something so basic and so necessary, without expectation of reciprocation or payment?

This Sunday we have our usual said Eucharist at 8.30 am, then at 10 am is a Service of 9 Lessons and Carols. The Children’s Choir will be joining us to sing the carols and show us what they’ve been working on. Thank you Jennifer for making this happen. There will be some pizza and cake after the service, courtesy of the Messy Church Congregation so please plan to stay for that.

On Tuesday 20 December at 6 pm we host our monthly Community Meal - and it’s going to be a delicious turkey dinner (cooked by Chef Dave) followed by apple crisp and mince pies. This month we hope to welcome many of our parishioners to join us. If you plan to attend please let the church office know or sign up on the welcome board - just so we have an idea of numbers. Though there is a suggested donation of $10 per person, this really is only a suggestion. Your presence is priceless.

On Wednesday 21 December at 10 am we celebrate Eucharist followed by Bible Study.

On Saturday 24 December at 7 pm we have our Christmas Eve family service with carols and on Christmas Day the Eucharist is at 10 am.

In the words of the great Perry Como, the equally great Bing Crosby, and the satisfactory Michael Buble - “It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas”.

This is Larry the Christmas Crab - he is clearly trying to contain his excitement.


Christmas News


Coming Up at All Saints