Easter at All Saints

Don’t forget - TONIGHT - we will be getting together in the church hall at 6 pm for a light supper (delicious soup provided by two wonderful volunteers), before the Maundy Thursday service at 7 pm. Please join us if you can.

Our Good Friday service takes place at 10 am on Friday 7 April 2023.

On Sunday we will celebrate the Resurrection together at 8.30 am and 10 am. Bring your loudest “Alleluia!”

The Men’s Fellowship group meet for dinner at 6 pm on Tuesday 11 April in the parish hall. Sign up at the church or let Cliff know you’re coming.

On Tuesday 18 April we host the monthly Community Meal at 6 pm. You would be most welcome to join in as participant or helper (or both).

Hopefully we will see you very soon as we celebrate this most wonderful time of the year.

Happy Easter!


Looking Ahead at All Saints


Holy Week at All Saints