Looking Ahead at All Saints

What a beautiful day! The world smells wonderful and I must say the short walk up to the church is olfactory heaven as well as looking stunning. It’s a hopeful kind of day.

This Sunday we meet at 8.30 am and 10 am for the Eucharist. No one is signed up to provide coffee this Sunday (though some little charmer has written ‘your mom’ on the schedule). If you are able to participate in this ministry please take a moment to sign up for a Sunday or two. There is also a Parish Council meeting at 11.30 am at the church.

On Tuesday 18 April at 6 pm we host our monthly free Community Meal. If you are available to help with this please call or email the church office, or get in touch with Liz MacD. On the menu this month is a pasta dish with garlic bread and salad with fruit pie for dessert. Yum.

On Wednesday at 10 am we have our midweek Eucharist and Bible Study. We would love to see you there!

Coming up next month - our Spring Plant Sale aka Spring Fling on Saturday 6 May from 12 noon. We will have the usual lovely hanging baskets as well as petunias, begonias, salvia, marigolds and geraniums as well as some herbs and veggies. There will be tea and cookies available by donation too.

If you would like to pre-order baskets or plants please call or email the office.


All Saints Annual ‘Spring Fling’


Easter at All Saints