Getting the Timing Right
Which is the Huncher? Which is the Dasher? Mail your answer to: 1253 It’s Obvious Street.
I came in to the office at 8.15 am today fueled by determination, coffee but mostly the fact that I woke up at 4.30 am and couldn’t get back to sleep. It was pouring, with raindrops the size of golf balls, low grey skies and people-shaped bundles of coats wading about completed the depressing picture. I noticed that some people were dashing about as if playing tag with the raindrops, while others moved more slowly, hunched (as if that would help), eyes cast down, accepting of the sodden reality. It made me think though - it seemed demonstrative of two types of people - the dashers - who are hopeful and optimistic, and the hunchers - who are …. not. I guess watching the passers by was a good (and much needed) reminder that maintaining hope is hard work. It requires a serious investment of energy (not to mention time and sometimes even money). Hope is not passive. It needs stoking and working at and sometimes just plain white-knuckling through the temptation to give in to despair.
After spending some considerable time contemplating this (to me) new and mind blowing thought and patting myself on the back for my incisive perception I realised it was actually way after 9 am and I was now effectively late getting to work. I can feel my shoulders rounding and my chin moving southward and I have a very definite hunch that I will not be leaving work even close to the usual time today. Luckily a couple of parishioners have dropped in and supplied me with the necessary mood boost (and hugs) for hope to return and I think if I dash about enough I might still make it out of here on time. After all I do need to get home - naps don’t take themselves you know!
Carefully adjust your clock
Speaking of time - it’s that annoying day on Sunday when we have turn our clocks .. one way or the other. I have literally NEVER got my head around whether it’s forward or back in autumn. But be aware - it’s one of the two and you don’t want to be too early/too late for church on Sunday. We meet at 8.30 and 10 am to celebrate All Saints Day.
Please note the church office will be closed on Monday 7 November.
On Wednesday at 10 am we meet for the midweek Eucharist followed by Bible Study, led by the wonderful Dudley Ritchie. Don’t wait to join this group - at some point Dudley might retire and you will have missed out. I mean, he’s 95 you know. He may begin to think about slowing down over the next ten years or so.
Don’t forget to complete your intention card for 2023. We’re preparing to work on the budget, we’d love to know what we have to work with.
Practical weekend wear
Enjoy the weekend. I think the most sensible clothes for this weekend might be a life jacket, but the best dressed people will be wearing a small boat. It’s the practical choice.