The S Word # 8

By Douglas Hambidge #8

Please read St. Luke Chapter 5 verses 1-10

The crowd is present—there is no shortage of people.

Jesus invariably uses human agencies to assist him. Through the help of those human agencies Jesus is able to teach the people, and without that aid he could not teach.

Jesus said, “Without me you can do nothing.”

He might also have said, “Without you I can do nothing.”

There is more to follow. The use of the boat is not enough. He wants more from his helping agencies. He calls them to move out into challenging situations, and he calls them to do what they do best.

They are tired. They’ve been there, done that. It is a waste of time and energy. We often hear people say, “We tried that before and we failed.” There is nothing more discouraging than the discouraged.

It is interesting to note that in the King James Version Jesus tells Peter to “Let down the nets,” and Peter response is, “I will let down a net.” The point this version is making is that Peter anticipates failure. He’s been here before; it’s a waste of time. He’ll human this non-fisherman; a single net will keep him happy.

But Jesus was right. They did need all the nets. In fact, they nearly lost the whole catch as well as their boat by anticipating failure.

Peter realizes he in the presence of someone who is different. He was not completely obedient. He was not convinced the effort would be worthwhile, he anticipates failure, and he is the one who nearly caused a disaster. He knows he doesn’t deserve to be in this man’s company.

This consideration of Jesus with the fishermen will be continued next week in #9


Robin’s Notebook


Sunday 1 May 2022