Looking Ahead at All Saints

Happy June to you all! It’s going to be lovely warm but not-too-warm weather and everyone is looking a little happier - have you noticed? It’s great to see more people out and about and with a renewed spring in their step. Thank God for vitamin D!

Thank you for everyone who helped out at the Spring Fling plant sale. It was a great success and raised a very respectable amount of money. The funds are going to be used to support our Community Meal program. We appreciate everyone who helped by baking, buying, selling, and set-up and take-down. Thank you!

Later this month we will be switching to our summer schedule ie one Sunday service at 9.30 am beginning on Sunday 18 June. On that same Sunday we ask everyone who can attend to join us for a parish meeting. This meeting is to provide an update on the decision making process regarding our property, including the former Rectory. Please make a note of the date and plan to be there.

Our Wednesday Midweek Eucharist and Bible Study continues at 10 am each week. We would love to see you there.

Our Community Meal this month is on Tuesday 20 June at 6 pm. All are welcome. Please tell anyone know who would appreciate a break from cooking, clean up or from eating alone. Thank you Liz and team for keeping this amazing ministry going.

A date for your diary - Saturday 8 July will be our Annual All Saints Barbecue. Further details TBA.


Coming Up at All Saints


The Coronation