Notes from the Office

This week things have been LOUD. Across the parking lot there is an insanely huge machine - I have no idea what it’s called or even how to describe it to you. The best I can say is that it’s somewhere between a jackhammer and a dentists drill scaled up about 1000% The noise from it is incredible. When you stand outside I can feel my teeth rattling and these are my own teeth - no dentures here - but the rattling is real. It’s a kind of external migraine .

All is comfortingly unchanged within the church (apart from everything looking a little blurry due to what is techinally known as “v-eye-bration”).

In a few days the Arthur Drive parking lot entrance will have to be blocked for a couple of weeks however there will always be access from 51st Street, so don’t panic if there’s a barrier in place on Arthur Drive.

Tomorrow we are having a Drive-thru version of Messy Church from 4-5 pm. How awesome is that?! The kids come by and collect a bag with crafts and stuff, a delicious spaghetti and meatball dinner is handed to the family, and off they go. I’m impressed with the ingenuity of our Messy Church/Junior Youth Team. I might even borrow someone small so I can participate …

On Sunday (when there will be no-one working in the parking lot and making a racket) we meet at 8:30 am and 10 am as usual. We have a service of Baptism at 10 am when we all get to welcome an adorable young gentleman to our church family.

Our midweek Eucharist is at 10 am on Wednesday followed by Bible Study.

And just like that - we’re into February already.

For your diary - please add “All Saints Vestry Meeting” on Sunday 20 February at around 11:30 am. This year we will meet over Zoom once again. I hope you can figure out a way to participate. There are a few big decisions to make and we need your input. Official invitations will be sent out next week but please plan to be there if at all possible.

January Feelings

I can hear the machine outside being fired up so I better go and secure all the small objects. See you soon!


Midweek Meditation


Robin’s Notebook