Robin’s Notebook

What a wonderful way to launch a new website with a new blog! My intention with this space is to take a moment and share with you all some of the news, events, wonderings (is that a word. . . ?)and other bits of information that is on my mind. Some of what I share are projects that may already be underway, and others may still be coming down the line. In all cases, it is an opportunity to share with you what is in my notebook.

Common Cup

Some may be wondering about the practice of the Common Cup and when we may be re-introducing the opportunity for all gathered to receive both the consecrated bread and wine of the Eucharist.

We all yearn in various ways to experience and taste the bread and wine of communion again as it has been a really long fast. While I do not know exactly when the Bishop will be permitting the Common Cup again there are a few points that I do know.

1) Each parish is asked to have a parish conversation about the Common Cup and to discern together how, when or if the Common Cup will be re-introduced in worship.

2) From this parish conversation, each parish is to submit a plan into the Synod Office outlining the restrictions and best practices that will be in place for Communion.

While we do not know when we will be able to re-introduce the Common Cup, we can continue with our plans to have a parish conversation and develop the much needed plan so that we can be ready for when permission is granted. In the next few weeks we will provide notice for when this parish conversation will take place.

Credit: Getty Images

Continuing Education

Some of you may be aware that I am enrolled in a Doctor of Ministry program through Boston University School of Theology. This is a three year program and it is hard to believe that I have nearly completed year 1. The degree is designed in such a way that our parish is in many ways, the classroom for the course work and eventual thesis. Many of the issues and concepts and realities that we face daily as a parish, I am able to work on in an academic setting with other faculty and colleagues from around the world. While most of the courses are online, there are two intensive classes that require my attendance in Boston for one week, in January and August each year.

The course work is stimulating with practical skills and ideas that can be implemented directly into the life of the parish. I look forward to an opportunity, closer to April, when I can share with you some of the concepts I have been learning and how they can be implemented in All Saints.

As always, if you have any questions, need to get in touch with me for any reason, I am available by phone, email and in-person. I look forward to hearing from you.

Until next time, take care and God Bless.

Reverend Robin


Notes from the Office