And So It Begins …
Well, it’s September … school’s back, Robin’s back, I’m back and next Sunday it’s time for YOU to come back! Back to Church that is. (Ironically, I’m not going to be around next weekend so please enjoy me telling you to do stuff that I will not be doing - what can I say? It’s a gift).
BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY (B2CS) is on Sunday 18 September. The idea is to “make a date” to return to the regular Sunday routine of church, resting and setting aside the Sabbath as a spiritual practice. We would love to welcome you back to our regular 8.30 am and 10 am services and ask you all to invite a friend. We even created some cards which can help facilitate the conversation. Please feel free to come and grab one (a card that is, not a friend) and in the meantime please consider who you might invite to join us.
Robin has some plans to make the day more celebratory including a photo booth and a cake to enjoy together. It’s going to be a good time!
Opera Ornothologica
A CHILDREN’S CHOIR is starting on 18 September. Jen (our musician) and her colleague Leanne (a Choir Director) are holding their first session of a new Children’s Choir. How cool is that? Kids aged 6-12 will meet at All Saints on Sundays from 2.30-3.30 pm for six weeks and will learn three seasonal songs which they will present at the end of the semester. If you know anyone who might be interested in joining, please ask them to contact All Saints for more information. This choir is not the All Saint’s Children’s Choir - it’s just a children’s choir.
PASTORAL CARE has been on our minds recently. We are working on a refreshed and updated plan. Updates will be coming soon so please keep an eye out for that. If outreach and caring ministry is your thing, please get in touch.
POINSETTIA BAZAAR - Yes - that’s right - I said bazaar. Liz would like to give us a heads up to remind everyone that we are preparing for our Annual Poinsettia Bazaar on SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER and would be of any help you might be able to offer.
There is a brief coffee hour meeting after Church this Sunday to discuss ideas and get a sense of who might be available on the day, or for preparation beforehand. Any time you can give would be appreciated and will determine what we can offer for this festive community gathering.
I would be nice to provide some refreshments so people can sit and visit as in past years. Our jewelry table will return, and Santa’s Sack is looking to be filled with small, donated, wrapped goods!
Please plan to attend this meeting so you can share your ideas and thoughts.
COMMUNITY MEAL - Our next Community Meal will be on Tuesday 20 September at 6 pm when we will be offering Chilli, Corn, Buns and delicious cake for dessert.
There are several people who help out regularly, but if you feel that you would like to see what goes into providing this popular outreach to our community, please feel free to come along and get involved in some aspect of preparation, serving or clean up, or to meet and greet our guests and share a meal with them. Fellowship is important too.
This month, the Chilli will be precooked by Gill and Liz, but the donated corn will need to be husked and cooked - not too complicated this month! Please contact the office if you are able to join us in some capacity. (No experience necessary).
“mull of kintyre ..oh mists rolling in from the sea …”
Enjoy the rest of your Saturday - I hope you can spend some time mulling over who you would like to invite to church next Sunday. I do love a good mull. I think there’s even a wine to accompany the process. And a song now I come to think of it …