The Week Ahead at All Saints
The snow has gone, the COLD has gone! Spring is definitely on its way. Thank God!
This Sunday we have our usual Spoken Eucharist at 8.30 am and our Sung Eucharist at 10 am. Following the services we will meet for our Annual Vestry meeting. Please join us - your voice needs to be heard. Click here to see the accompanying reports and info.
Our midweek Eucharist and Bible Study start at 10 am on Wednesday. We would love to see you there.
This photo was taken in November on their wedding anniversary. So cute!
On Saturday 11 March at 10 am we come together to celebrate the lives of our good friends Pat and Frank Sallis. It’s going to be a tough time for all of us and I hope lots of you are able to attend and show the family how very loved and appreciated Frank and Pat were. They really were incredibly generous and giving people and we, and Ladner, have a lot of thank them for.
On Tuesday 21 March at 6 pm we host our Community Meal with the help of FreshWaves Ministries who are planning, cooking and serving the meal this month. Thank you FreshWaves for giving our volunteer team an easier month! They work so hard to keep the meal going in the face of increasing difficulties.
On Wednesday 22 March at 7 pm we have a Service of Healing and Reconciliation - The time of Lent is a time when we reflect on the journey of Jesus toward the cross. We may also discover that in the challenges and burdens we face in our lives, that Jesus is drawing near to us and walking alongside us. This gentle service will offer times of prayer for healing in our lives and in our world. Prayers for healing in body, mind or spirit for yourself or on behalf of another will be offered with laying on of hands and anointing. Some may also desire prayers of healing for fractured relationships, or for concerns for our community, for our world or for our planet. As part of our time of prayer we will share in the body and blood of Christ, through the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. All are welcome!
Attention Shoppers
Do you go to Costco regularly? If so we would appreciate your help in picking up a few things for All Saints every now and again. If you can help with this please contact the office.
Finally - Flower will be away for the week of 6 March 2023. Emails and phone messages will be checked regularly but please be aware there may be some delay in responding.