Coming Up at All Saints

It’s a beautiful day and the weekend should be much the same. Finally! It’s so good to see the sun.

On Sunday we welcome the Reverend Gary Hamblin to celebrate the Eucharist at 8.30 am and 10 am.

On Tuesday 21 March at 6 pm we have our free monthly Community Meal. This month we are grateful to members of FreshWaves Ministries for providing our meal. On the menu this month - ham, mashed potatoes and veggies followed by a delicious dessert.

On Wednesday we meet at 10 am for Midweek Eucharist and again for a Service of Healing and Reconciliation at 7 pm. Lent is a time when we reflect on the journey of Jesus toward the cross.  We may also discover that in the challenges and burdens we face in our lives, that Jesus is drawing near to us and walking alongside us. This gentle service will offer times of prayer for healing in our lives and in our world.  Prayers for healing in body, mind or spirit for yourself or on behalf of another will be offered with laying on of hands and anointing.  Some may also desire prayers of healing for fractured relationships, or for concerns for our community, for our world or for our planet.  As part of our time of prayer we will share in the body and blood of Christ, through the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.  All are welcome!

On Saturday 25 March at 2 pm we meet to celebrate the life of Sue Paege. There’s a lot to celebrate too. She was amazing.

A word about our Easter Services - on Maundy Thursday (6 April) we will get together at 6 pm for a light supper, followed by the service at 7 pm. The Good Friday service (7 April) will be at 10 am.

We hope to see you soon as we prepare our hearts for the journey of Easter.



Holy Week at All Saints


The Week Ahead at All Saints