What’s Happening at All Saints

This Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday - the last Sunday before Lent. We meet at 8.30 am and 10 am to share the Eucharist.

Our Budget Information meeting follows our 10 am Sunday service. If you have any questions or concerns about our financial situation please take this opportunity to ask our Treasurer, Leanne. Click here to see the Financial Reports. Hard copies will be available Sunday.

Just a reminder - it is Family Day long weekend. The Church office will be closed on Monday 20 February.

On Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday) we would love you to join us at 6 pm for a delicious Pancake Supper, courtesy of the Men’s Fellowship.

On Wednesday 22 February we will have our Ash Wednesday Service at 10 am, followed by Bible Study. You are welcome to come for the service and leave before the Bible Study if you wish.

Next Sunday 26 February is our Annual Vestry Meeting after our 10 am worship service. Click here to see the entire Vestry Report booklet.

One further note regarding the upcoming funeral for Pat and Frank Sallis (10 am on 11 March 2023) - there will be a very simple reception following the funeral - just coffee, tea and cookies. If you would like to bring some cookies please let Liz MacDonald know.

Enjoy the long weekend!


Lent Programs


PWRDF Earthquake Reponse