News from All Saints

Here we are at the end of another week. And it’s been a bit of a rollercoaster. Robin has been away in Boston this week so I was expecting to just sit about filing my nails or punting myself up and down the hall on my office chair using the fire extinguisher for propulsion but alas, somehow it’s still been quite busy around here.

On Tuesday the Men’s Fellowship met for fellowship over a meal of English stew. Sadly English stew does not afford the same joke opportunities as Irish stew.

Rumour has it the artist Henri Vidal used this joke to get his muse to pose for this sculpture.

Knock knock.
Who’s there? Irish stew.
Irish stew who?
Irish stew in the name of the law.

I’ll have a word with Cliff and see if he can consider comedic possibilities when choosing the menu for next month. Maybe we can at least discuss some kind of dessert involving cream, custard and fruit - but that’s just a trifling matter.

Robin will be here on Sunday for our 8.30 am and 10 am Eucharist services. While you’re here please sign up on the coffee schedule - the usual suspects are getting a bit burned out!

The 2023 flower chart is up in the foyer so now is the time to think about when you would like to dedicate flowers this year.

On Tuesday 17 January at 6 pm Liz and her team will be hosting our Community Meal. Please come along if you can. The more the merrier!

Our midweek Eucharist and Bible Study is at 10 am on Wednesday.

Next Sunday, 22 January, is Robin’s last Sunday with us. There will be a reception following the 10 am service so please plan to attend. Let’s give him a good send off.

Right, I’m going to get on with this last bit of work for the week then I can manage a bit of hall-punting before I go.

See you soon!


A Tearful Goodbye


What’s Happening at All Saints