What’s Happening at All Saints

It seems 2023 has come barging into life without so much as a by-your-leave and I have to say I’m struggling to adapt to the reality of, well … reality. I feel as though I’ve been rudely awakened from a blissful nap. You know the kind of nap I mean, the ones you take on a rainy and windy afternoon after a good lunch. The type of naps that exist across all dimensions and that make you question whether it’s 3 am or 3 pm when you wake up. Aaaah, lovely.

This Sunday we welcome Bishop John Stephens who will be preaching and presiding at both 8.30 am and 10 am Services. The service will be a bit different as Pat Sallis will be posthumously awarded the Order of the Diocese. Her son and daughter will be there to accept it on her behalf. There will also be a brief service of interment for Marion Burnett. So basically two of the matriarchs of All Saints are being honoured as indeed they should be. There will be refreshments after the later service so please plan to stay a while. If you have questions for the Bishop - this is your chance to ask him.

It sounds like Sunday morning will be quite emotional for a lot of us. But, after spending some restorative time time together with Bishop John, and reminiscing about our absent friends over some delicious food, you can go home and try your luck at the nap lottery.

If you’re awake by Wednesday we’d love to welcome you at the Midweek Eucharist and Bible Study at 10 am.

Reverend Robin will be away next week. I’m sure you will join me in praying for safe travel.

Don’t forget Robin’s last Sunday with us is the 22 January (which is also hurtling towards us at unwelcome speed). We will be celebrating his time with us and sending him on his way over lunch following the 10 am service. I hope you can make it - we’d love to see you there.

If you are at a loose end this afternoon please use the picture below to join me in nap bingo. I bet I win!


News from All Saints


The End of an Era